Wednesday, January 13, 2010

They advise against it, but I do it anyway!

I have a confession to make, I have a tendancy to choose a book by its cover. I know it's terrible but I love pretty books, I like the way they look on my shelves and I especially love poring over the lovely photos inside baking books...yes, I love food porn.
Here are some pretty books about baking that I haven't read yet, but based purely on aesthetics I think they are cute. I cannot vouch for the quality of recipes inside.

From the top:
Ladies, A Plate- from Penguin Books
Afternoon Tea- from
i heart macarons- from Fred Flare


  1. i got the i heart macarons for christmas! ill bring it over next time we play

  2. Hehe I tend to choose to pick up books based on covers too! They're so important aren't they! :D

  3. Ladies, A Plate is a terrific book. It has some lovely stuff in it! & nice info that goes along with the recipes that the author included. Makes it interesting too... Borrow from library first to give it a look!

  4. Lorraine, I'm glad I'm not the only one out there!

    Thanks for that Mandy. I'll definitely check it out.

